HEALTH Health News

CSIR lab claims to have developed technology to make world?s only Anti-Obesity Oil

Mysuru (ISJ) ? Central Food Technology Research Institute (CFTRI) under the CSIR has come up with what they claim, the only one of its kind anti-obesity edible oil in the world.� According to CFTRI, the preliminary toxicological studies showed no side effects and the product is awaiting clinical trials.� However, regulatory approvals would be the responsibility of commercial exploiter, after transfer of the technology

The anti-obesity oil acts both as preventive and for weight reduction. The newly developed oil helps to reduce the accumulated fat in obese, whereas for others, it helps to maintain a healthy body weight.

?Consumption of DAG oil for 4 months significantly reduces the body weight and Body Mass Index, BMI, by preventing accumulation fat in our body as well as weight reduction,? Dr. P. Vijayaraj, CFTRI Scientist told Indian Science Journal.

Anti-obesity oil is enriched with Diacylglycerol (DAG) whereas regular cooking oils consist of triacylglycerol (TAG). The fatty acid composition of the Anti-obesity oil is similar to regular vegetable oil.� Its consumption can help maintain healthy body weight and manage obesity and its complications. The energy value of DAG oil and TAG oil is almost same and no significant difference in digestion and absorption rates. However, our body differently metabolize the DAG oil after absorption. The anti-obesity oil could induce an increase in fat oxidation compared to TAG oils because 1-MAG and 3-MAG (the main products of 1-3 DAG hydrolysis) preferentially undergo ?-oxidation for energy generation rather than re-esterification and deposition in adipose tissue. Thus, anti-obesity oil provide energy for the regular physical activities and is not stored as fat.

Currently, the technology developed by the Institute could convert sunflower and rice bran oil, but it can be adopted for all edible oils, said Dr. Vijayaraj. The present technology is ready for conversion at 10 kg level, but the process is under progress for scaling up the level.

CFTRI claims the cost of these varieties of oil would only be slightly higher than the regular vegetable oils from the same source, like sunflower, rice bran or coconut oil. �

Earlier, Japan-based companies had introduced a DAG oil-based product in the market. But it was withdrawn soon due to glycidol esters formation during manufacturing process – glycidol is listed as ?probably carcinogenic to humans? by International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC. However, the anti-obesity oil developed by CFTRI is better and safer for healthy living.

CFTRI claimed the cost of production of the anti-obesity oil may be based on the source ? sunflower, rice bran, coconut and groundnut and ?would only be slightly higher than the regular vegetable oils.

Science and Technology Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan told journalists during a recent visit to the Institute, government is planning to invite industries to come forward for commercial exploitation of the technologies developed by CFTRI.

India has the third largest burden of obese in the world, only after the United States and China. According to a 2014 study by Lancet, India?s obese population is around 30 million ? accounts for 15 per cent of the world?s obese population together with China. The study says, number of overweight and obese people across the world increased from 857 million in 1980 to 2.1 billion in 2013 ? one third of world?s population!

Obesity causes several lifestyle-related diseases like heart attack and high blood pressure. The top eight Obesity-related diseases are: heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, gallbladder disease and gallstones, osteoarthritis, gout, breathing problems like sleep apnea and asthma.�

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