R&D News Technology

CSIR lab discovers anti-ageing enzyme, develops for commercial application

New Delhi (ISJ) ? A laboratory under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR has chanced upon an anti-ageing plant enzyme, which has been further developed for commercial applications. The enzyme has applications in making anti-ageing creams and extending shelf-life of fruits and vegetables and during cryosurgery and preservation of organelles.

Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, IHBR in Palampur, Himachal Pradesh discovered the enzyme from Potentilla Astrosanguinea plant during a survey of Western Himalayan region. The plant, with saucer-shaped dark red flowers, grows in the higher altitudes of over 10,000 ft under snow cover.

Scientists at IHBR isolated Super Dioxide Dismutase (SOD) gene from plant and cloned it to produce the enzyme, retaining the unique features of the native plant. Through bioinformatics, the enzyme has been further engineered by mutation of a single amino acid to increase its consistency and thermo-stability.

?The characteristic features of this SOD lies in its stability and functionality ? ranging from subzero to high temperature of above 40 degree Celsius with varying specific activity,? explained an official release of CSIR. ?Owing to its high antioxidant properties and multiple uses, SOD enjoys high demand and price in the global market.

CSIR has now transferred the technology to its industrial partner Phyto Biotech, Kolkata for industrial exploitation.

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