HEALTH Health News

Under emotional stress, 1 in 13 US children on psychiatric drugs

ashington (ISJ): April 28 ? A 17-year-old hid a loaded AK-47 assault rifle in a Texas school bathroom and two loaded handguns in his backpack to ?commit a violent act?, but the plan was foiled when his parents discovered the weapons missing at home and alerted the school administrators.

April 09 ? A 16-year-old student went on a stabbing spree in Pennsylvania, leaving at least 20 injured.

These are some of the violent incidents in school campuses in the United States in the recent times. Every year between 14 to 34 school children are victims of homicide in campuses in the US, according to US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to a recent study by CDC, there were 359,000 violent incidents in school campuses in 2010, of which 91,400 were ?serious violent incidents.?

The deadliest violence in school campus in the US took place in December 2012, when a 20-year-old female gunned down 20 first-grade students and six staff members.

Despite these frequent incidents, a recent study by the University of New Hampsphire?s Crimes Against Children Research Centre indicates incidence of violence involving children declined considerably in the country during the last decade.

The authors of the study attribute a few possibilities for the decline, including anti-violence campaigns and widespread use of psychiatric medications by both youth and adults.

A recent study by Centres for Disease Control and Prevention?s National Centre for Health Statistics reveals among all children in the age bracket of 6 to 17 years, 7.5% are now on some type of psychiatric drug for the past six months for emotional or behavioural difficulties.

?The children are living under a controlled paradigm designed by drug companies,? said a critical article in Natural News. ?The emotional and behavioural differences among children are yoked into compliance, to conformity.?

?These psychiatric drugs do not teach children how to cope with challenges in life. These drugs replace discipline and perseverance with chemical alternations that harbour physical, emotional, mental and spiritual side effects,? continued Natural News.

Americans are known for pill-popping. According to IMS Health ? a service provider for the healthcare industry ? an estimated 16 million people use painkillers, 5 million take sleep aids and 18 million rely on some form of antidepressants.

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